Thursday, November 15, 2007

CITA Parametric Approaches II

International symposium
Friday 23.nov. Kl. 12.30-16.30
Holmen, Aud. 2

Parametric Approaches II: Computation and material

An international symposium on the development of digital architecture. The symposium is for professionals and students. Organised by Centre for Information Technology and Architecture, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture.

Date: Friday November 23rd, 2007

Time: 12:30 registration and coffee

13:00 Introduction and keynote by Mark Burry, SIAL, RMIT

Venue: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Auditorium 2

Digital practice can no longer be seen as separate from architecture. The means by which we design, produce and communicate the built environment is firmly set within digital media, from the software in which we design and detail, to the new Building Information Models that communicate and organise our building processes. In recent years the fabrication tools by which the built is realised are increasingly becoming digitised. Traditional industries such as manufacturers of wood frames, steel profiles and concrete elements are digitising their production tools allowing for new levels of detailing and the production of non standard series. As such, Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) tools, such as laser cutters, milling machines and 3D printers are entering architectural practice no longer only as a modelling or prototyping environment, but as means to realise and build architecture.

The symposium Computation and Material discusses how new digital tools challenge the practices of designing and fabricating architecture. What happens to architectural design practice as craft becomes digital? How does the possibility of the bespoke change the thinking of repetition and series? How do digital tooling enable new relationships between the drawn and the built? And how do these practices instigate a challenge to the aesthetics of architecture? Within the symposium Computation and Material the Center for IT and Architecture invites international speakers to discuss the emergence of new digital production techniques and their practices. Show casing recent projects and discussing their historic framing in the crafts of building and drawing, practitioners as well as theoreticians will discuss the new international discourse, design paradigms and formal languages that are arising with these technologies.


  • Prof. Mark Burry, Director of the Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory (SIAL), RMIT Melbourne
  • Prof. Neil Leach, Curator of the Beijing Biennial 2007, co-editor of Digital Tectonics and Professor of Architecture at University of Brighton
  • Mark Gage, Head of Gage Clemenceau Studio and Ass. Prof. at Yale University School of Architecture
  • Achim Menges. Partner of Ocean North, Studio Master at Architectural Association, London and Professor for Form Generation and Materialisation, University of Art and Design HfG Offenbach, Germany
  • Prof. Mark Goulthorpe, Associate Professor MIT, Head of dECOI


12:00 coffee
13:00 Mark Burry
14:00 Neil Leach
14:45 coffee
15:10 Mark Gage
15:55 Achim Menges
16:35 Debate


The Centre for IT and Architecture (CITA) at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture exploring the emergent intersections between architecture and digital technologies. Identifying core research questions into how space and technology can be probed, CITA seeks to investigate how the current forming of a digital culture impacts on architectural thinking and practice. CITA examines how architecture is influenced by new digital design and production tools as well as the digital practices that are informing our societies culturally, socially and technologically. CITA is a cross disciplinary research environments consolidating new collaborations with partners from the fields of computer science, engineering, human computer interaction, robotics, artificial intelligence as well as the practice based fields of furniture design, fashion and textiles, industrial design, film, dance and interactive arts.

This autumn CITA is engaged in a series of parallel research and dissemination activities surrounding the Computation and Material symposium. These events, ranging from workshops, to seminars and conferences, invite students, researchers and practitioners to gain insight into the current international design practice.

In the autumn of 2007 CITA has co-organised and participated in:

- Performing Surfaces: a joint workshop with Prof Neil Leach, University of Brighton and Mette Ramsgard Thomsen/Norbert Palz, CITA

- Subdivision Constitutional, workshop and exhibition with Brennan Buck, Die Angewandte/Vienna, and Martin Tamke, CITA

- Computational Aesthetics a conjoint workshop and think tank, with Mark Gage, Yale University School of Architecture and Martin Tamke, CITA

- ArchiTronics, an exhibition event at DAC in which CITA presents the interactive work Calcification

- Genesis, lecture presentation at Seminar on Becoming in Art, Nature and Technology, Steno Museum, Aarhus

- Metabolistic Networks, workshop into textiles, electronics and architecture, ACADIA, Halifax 2007

- Dancing in Wired Natures, workshop into dance and technology questioning new digital ecologies and performative space. Critical Path, Sydney and Perth Institute of Contemporary Art, Perth

- Temporal Interactions a workshop with Mette Ramsgard Thomsen and Camille Utterbach, US, on interactive environments, embodied interfacing and space.

More Information can be obtained from

Everybody is very welcome - please contact to reserve a place.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Digital Explorers II

Including presentations from design practitioners, craftspeople, researchers and technologists. Each evening event is themed around the use of digital technology in ceramics, textiles, interiors and architecture, metalwork and jewellery, and will include demonstrations of cutting-edge digital equipment. For further information including a full schedule of events and booking details, visit:

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

"Det Bløde Møbel" - Fritz Hansen og DKDS


"Det Bløde Møbel"... - En IT-Introduktion til Subdivisional Surfacing i programmet SILO.
Tirsdag den 27.02 + Onsdag den 28.02 Kl. 14.30-16.00 i IT-lokale B.110. Kom præcis.

Du kan medbringe din egen computer eller blot møde op, og deltage i introduktionen.
Programmet kan downloades (kun 4 MB) fra

Husk at downloade Version 1.4 og IKKE Learning Version! Findes til både Mac og PC.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Here is a link to the story of the "translucent" or rather perforated concrete developed recently at DTU (The Danish Technical University) and InnovationLab.

The text is taken from:

The World's first screen to be made of concrete

It is made from see-through concrete - and it is heavy. Innovation Lab presents of the heaviest screens in the world. It is heavy due to its physique, but in particular due to the endless number of perspectives and possibilities it features.

A trial of strength? A mobile technology on the increase becoming a significant reality is now being challenged by exactly the opposite. While screen technologies are currently bringing forth the most gossamer screen types – perpetually implementing new resolution and colour standards, Innovation Lab now presents a novel screen type not conforming to this trend. It does however pave the way to a new world of unprecedented possibilities.

In co-operation with Christoffer Dupont, student of engineering; Line Langballe, student of architecture and Dalton Beton (a Danish manufacturer of concrete components), the Innovation Lab project team has developed the first screen of transparent concrete that the world has ever seen. A revolutionising screen type – a novel concept which will come to influence building industry, architecture, design and a vast array of business areas. The first firms of architects were already queuing up long before the manufacturing process had been completed. Innovation Lab therefore has great expectations to this creation and anticipates a massive influx of attention, national as international, cementing the significance of the see-through concrete screen...

The screen consists of concrete with embedded optical fibres, arranged as pixels, capable of transmitting natural as well as artificial light. The light-admission points are on the back of the screen where the fibres are positioned. The light, or the picture, will then be displayed in pixels on the front. The light source can be a projector emitting either pictures or film footage. In principle, the screen is capable of acting as a window since – owing to the combination of the screen concept's light-absorption and optical cables – it has a capacity for transmitting natural light.

New standards, new potential

With the see-through concrete screen we are forced to rethink our ways of production and communication in an infinite number of situations. Maybe we will soon have the choice between paper-thin electronic screens and solid walls directly displaying the revenue-generating ads. Maybe aesthetic qualities will now be challenged by building components with properties beyond hitherto known levels of functionalism and aestheticism.

The maxim IT in everything is now, with a fairly justified approximation, being juxtaposed with screens in everything: we have been witnessing the triumphant progress of the screen technology in several industries and materials – the textile industry representing one of the most revolutionising and best known examples. We bring our screens wherever we go, we wear them, and – before long – we will be able to walk on them.

See also (in Danish):

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Designs betydning for Bundlinien

Design Management Institute inviterer den 14.-16. marts til den 11. DMI European Design Management Conference under overskriften IMPROVING AND MEASURING DESIGN’S ROLE IN BUSINESS PERFORMANCE. Konferencen afholdes på Copenhagen Marriott Hotel.


Nytænkning er fremtidens krav til dansk erhvervsliv. Når virksomheder ikke kan konkurrere på pris, må der tænkes anderledes. Det får du mulighed for ved at deltage i DMI European Design Management Conference – en unik mulighed for at tilegne sig den nyeste viden indenfor design, innovation og ledelse.

• Hvordan skabes vækst via design?
• Hvordan kan design anvendes til at skabe vedvarende konkurrencefordele?
• Hvordan kan virksomhedens brand styrkes gennem brug af design?
• Hvordan måles designs betydning for virksomhedens præstation?

Konferencen byder på indlæg fra ledere i danske og internationale virksomheder og organisationer: Darrel Rhea (CEO, Cheskin), Hartmut Esslinger (CEO, frog design), Hans Gunleiksrud (Global Brand Manager, Helly Hansen), Jerry Kathman (President & CEO, LPK), Cathy Huang (President, CBI, China Bridge International), Verena Klos (President, BMW Group), Harry Rich (Deputy Chief Executive, Design Council), Bo Linnemann (Founder, Kontrapunkt), Per Holmen (Global Brand Identity Manager, Carlsberg), Lise Kingo (Executive Vice-President, Chief of Staff, Novo Nordisk A/S) og Lavrans Løvlie (Founding Partner, live work).

Konferencen retter sig mod såvel små som store virksomheder. Yderligere information samt tilmelding fi ndes på Se også pre-conference seminaret DESIGN RESEARCH FOR PRODUCT AND SERVICE INNOVATION der ligger forud for konferencen. Information findes på

Text in english from:

2007 DMI Design and Design Management Performance Series
The 11th DMI European Design Management Conference

Improving and Measuring Design’s Role in Business Performance
14–16 March 2007 Copenhagen Marriott Hotel, Denmark

Business executives, design directors and design managers are asked more and more often to provide improvement and measurement of design and design management effectiveness, in order to achieve desired business results. How is this best accomplished? What criteria must be evaluated in order to improve? Are measurements subjective or objective? Is this based on customer satisfaction, emotion, time to market, innovation, return, new markets, process improvement, or social and environmental responsibility? DMI addressed these challenging questions at the 31st International Design Management Conference in the US, and will build upon this successful learning with further exploration at this European conference.

Businesses need to capture real value from their investments in design, therefore DMI has identified nine key categories to improve and measure design’s role in business success, which include:

  • Purchase influence / emotion
  • Enable strategy / new markets
  • Enable product and service innovation
  • Reputation / awareness / brand value
  • Time to market / process improvement
  • Cost Savings / ROI
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Developing communities of customers
  • Triple Bottom Line

With a portfolio of experts we will explore these categories in detail. The learning outcome: conference attendees will discover macro and micro tools and techniques, gain perspective, and become equipped to address this topic in your work on Monday morning, and in your work for years to come. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn.

Innovation via Design

Design Management Institute, Boston inviterer den 12. og 13. marts til seminaret: DESIGN RESEARCH FOR PRODUCT AND SERVICE INNOVATION hos Dansk Design Center, København

Design og innovation er to altafgørende elementer for danske virksomheders internationale konkurrenceevne. Virksomheden skal gå i front og skabe udviklingen i stedet for blot at følge med strømmen. Deltag i seminaret DESIGN RESEARCH FOR PRODUCT AND SERVICE INNOVATION og få en unik mulighed for tilegne dig den nyeste viden inden for innovation og design research.

På seminaret vil Design Management ekspert og CEO i Cheskin, Darrel Rhea
tale om, hvordan virksomheder kan bruge design til at udvikle deres kreativitet og forretning. Få blandt andet svar på hvad årsagen er til, at nogle innovationsaktiviteter får succes, mens andre slår fejl. Seminaret er ideelt for Corporate Brand Managers, ledere af innovationsaktiviteter, produktudviklere, marketingchefer, konsulenter samt virksomhedsledere i små og mellemstore virksomheder, som står over for innovationsprocesser.

Tilmelding til og informationer om seminaret: Seminaret er et pre-conference seminar op til den 11. DMI European Design Management Conference, der sætter fokus på designs rolle i forretningsudviklingen. Informationer om DMI konferencen:

Darrel Rhea, CEO, Cheskin. Med 25 års erfaring fra konsulentbranchen, regnes Darrel Rhea som
en af de absolut førende strategiske design konsulenter i verden. Han er medforfatter til bogen ”Making Meaning: How Successful Businesses Deliver Meaningful Customer Experiences”, og har udviklet ”The Cheskin Design Model”. Cheskin er et af verdens førende Design Management konsulentfirmaer, og har i over 50 år arbejdet med store internationale virksomheder, som Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Nestlé, Nokia, Levi Strauss m. fl.